Improve Your Small Business Cyber Security With These Tips

Posted by Spencer Pous | April 13, 2018
Improve your small business cyber security

A recent study by Manta revealed that well over 80% of small business owners do not think their businesses are at risk of being hacked. On the contrary, one in two small businesses experiences a cyber attack at some point. Setting up your small business cybersecurity is crucial. Here are simple basics that can help you defend your business against cyber attacks.

1. Train Your Workforce

Your employees should play an integral role in your small business security plan. Start by creating a cybersecurity policy for your business. This policy should contain best practices expected of everyone working within the organization. Additionally, this policy must also contain protocols that should be followed in an event of a security breach. Have your staff create unique, strong passwords for every account and device their use. Where possible, have your staff set up two-factor authentication for their identities. Finally, routinely send out computer security tips for your workforce, especially as you set up new security processes or learn new things.

2. Regularly Update Your Computers

It is important that you regularly update your organization’s computers, including desktops, laptops, tablets and cell phones. The operating systems and web browsers should be up to date to protect against emergency cybersecurity threats. Regularly update all software and applications installed on your computers and mobile devices.

3. Back Up Your Data

It is important that you back up the information on your computers. This way, you will have copies elsewhere in an event of loss of information. For instance, you might store crucial vendor information on both your desktops as well as on the cloud. Ensure that both copies are secured using passwords and encryption.

4. Restrict Access

Unauthorized individuals should never access your business’ computers and account. Staff of different ranks and positions of responsibility should have different access to technology. Additionally, your staff should not share account information amongst themselves.

Your business is vulnerable when you are not prepared for cyber attacks. Hackers can steal critical customer information, money, or vendor data. This can jeopardize your relationship with clients and vendors or result in direct loss of money. Boost your business’ cybersecurity by adopting these simple tips today.


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